Posts Tagged ‘Chinese’

When discussing “profit” or “profits” in Chinese, you’re going to need the words 获利 (huo4li4) and 盈利 (ying2li4)..

获利 translates to “earn a profit” or “make a profit”.

除非我们减免一些职员不然就不会获利。(We won’t make a profit unless we shed some staff)

盈利 is a more general word which describes “profit” or “profit-making”.

营销是一个强大的盈利来源 (Marketing is a powerful profit-making source)

我们的盈利达到了预定目标 (We reached our profit target)

Got any other finance-related vocab you’re itching to know? Drop a line using the comment function.



Can Sparky the Dog (right) eat all those hotdogs?In Chinese, there are three words for can: 可以 and .  Which one do we use to describe Sparky’s challenge?  Read on to find out…

In Chinese 会(huì) and 能(néng) both have the meaning of be able to/can do something and indicate possibilities. However, there are several differences between them.

In the sense of “can and be able to”, 会 indicates that people have gained the ability via learning. Sometimes 会 is more frequently used in the ability in terms of intelligence and physical vigour. For example:

她会说汉语 (She can speak Chinese)

他会游泳 (He can swim)

能 refers to inherent physical abilities: 她有眼睛,她能看(She has eyes so she is able to look at things)

In the sentence: 他能去电影院吗?(Is he able to go to the cinema?) there is a connotation of physical ability. That is to say, you are asking whether he is physically able (i.e.: healthy enough) to go there.  So, there could be some context or circumstance of sickness warranting the use of 能.

能 may also focus on people’s capacity and skill which has reached a certain degree. That is to say, if the ability is presented by concrete figures, 能 is more often used in this situation. For instance:

他一天能吃5个苹果 (He can eat five apples every day)

In the sense of “indicate possibility”, 会 has a subjective tendency, such as the phrase 我会想你的 (I will miss you). It indicates the action will definitely happen according to the subject’s perspective.

Compared with 会, 能 has a more objective trend and focuses on objective conditions (generally: time, climate, weather, and non-subjective actions). For example:

 时间还早,我能走路回家 (It is still very early, I can walk back)

Have a great weekend!

Michael and Jing